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connaught"I am writing to thank you for your contribution you and your team have made to Connaught over the last few months.

The impact your programme has had on our key asset management partnership contract has been significant, and we have achieved in 12 weeks what would have probably otherwise have taken 12 months.

The initial two week assessment project was extremely practical and thought provoking, and set the foundations for a successful programme outcome.

Specific productivity improvements include :
• A 50% increase in jobs per day.
• An improvement in first time fix from below 50% to over 80%.
• An increase in PDA usage from below 50% to 95%
• A reduction in non-standard repairs from over 40% to below 10%

The success of the programme was down not only to process but more importantly to people. Your team ran effective training programmes for all staff and set up a reporting regime to ensure that managers could manage and deliver the productivity improvement opportunities.

I very much look forward to working with Cannizaro in the future and would have no hesitation in recommending your organisation to any business looking to improve its productivity."

Mark Davies

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