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Halliburton Brown & Root"Their primary focus has been in the Street Cleansing area where the methodologies employed have provided the keystone for a full departmental re-organisation. This has resulted in the transformation of the service delivery to our clients and provided a step change in the manageability & productivity of the department. Visibility of cost and revenue has been improved significantly and the cost base itself has been driven down.

Cannizaro have demonstrated a tenacious approach to this task and have broken down some hitherto impenetrable barriers. In doing so they have won over the management team and provided for a fundamental change of attitude and approach to the way the service is delivered in this area. As a result both the financial and qualitative performance figures now exceed any preconceived expectations that we had for this department. To quantify this we are happy to state that there has been a tangible and measurable 12% improvement in our qualitative performance figures, which has a direct correlation on our revenue.

For any labour and transport driven business we would be delighted to recommend the practices and systems employed by Cannizaro."

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