"The systems installed have provided an integrated method of forecasting, planning and controlling not only net income levels but also sales activity and conversion rates. Most valuably the system has proved sensitive enough to build in objective performance criteria for a complex range of sales activities in a way which is balanced to meet the varying experience and skill levels of our financial planning consultants. The combination of management control tools, training and follow-up has enabled us to increase sales production per consultant by more than 15% in difficult market conditions."

"Accomplishing changes in behaviour is never without difficulties but we have had a very good working relationship with your team and problems arising have been dealt with professionally and with a minimum of fuss. This close co-operation has enabled the programme to deliver savings in excess of those projected and to realise a return on investment of more than 4:1."

Martin Smith
Managing Director
Abbey National Independent Financial Advisors



As we near the end of the implementation phase, I am pleased to be able to say that in spite of the geographical diversity of our businesses, and the highly regulated nature of the rail industry, your team, working together with our managers and supervisors, have been successful in the design and introduction of management tools that have given us a far greater degree of transparency and control within our organisation. This, combined with the focused training with key personnel, has enabled the planning and execution of work and allocation of resources to be significantly improved. The measurable improvements in performance and productivity clearly indicate a high return on our investment.

Ian Hume
Managing Director



I am writing to congratulate you on the successful conclusion of the work we commissioned. I am delighted to have seen significant performance improvements, both financial and service, and that these are being sustained now that your team have left.
I wish you and your team well for the future.

Colin L Brown
Director of Customer Services



"A instalação de um programa de produtividade terá como resultado uma redução de 24% da nossa força de trabalho das áreas incluídas no âmbito do projecto. A reestructuração organizacional das nossas agências será o factor principal que irá contribuir para o nosso desenvolvimento estratégico no futuro. A implementação das mudanças nos nossos sistemas de gestão e nos processos de Front & Back Office irá permitir trabalhar com mais eficiência num mercado constantemente mais competitivo. A optimização de processos envolveu as operações de caixa, crédito imobiliário, recuperação de crédito, centralização dos caixas móveis, abertura de conta, cheques em moeda estrangeira, cheque bancário."

Dr. António Rocha Moreira

"The installation of a productivity programme generated a 24% reduction of our workforce in the areas within the scope of the project. The organisational re-structuring of our branches will be the major contributing factor for our strategic development in the future. The implemented changes in our management systems and Front & Back office key processes will help us work more efficiently in an increasingly competitive market. The optimised processes include cashier operations, mortgage application, credit recuperation, centralisation of cash collection, account opening, foreign currency cheques and banking cheques."

Dr. António Rocha Moreira



"Langs deze weg wil ik U nogmaals bedanken voor de excellente resultaten die onze beide teams, bijana 9 maanden na de beëindiging van het projekt, blijven realiseren.
De produktiviteitsverbeteringen hebben, in vergelijking, met dezelfde periode van vorig jaar, de kaap van de 35 miljoen frank overschreden.
De lokale leidinggevende blijven continu vooruitgang boeken. Dit uit zich onder mee in een verhoogd bewustzijn tot verbeteren, een zichtbare gedragsverandering en meer betrokkenheid anticiperen bij problemen.

Wij zullen er alles aan doen om de nieuwe aanbevelingen, die door uw audit-team werden gedaan, nu ook te gaan waarmaken en blijven overtuigd dat we in het afgelopen jaar, samen met Cannizaro, een grote stap voorwaarts hebben gezet." 

Dirk Poelman
Executive Vice President Operations

" I want to thank you again for the excellent results that both of our teams continue ti achieve, almost nine month after the end of the project.
The productivity improvements in comparison with last year exceeded 35 Million BEF.
The local management improves constantly, which is manifested in increased awareness, a clear change in behaviour and a greater anticipation of problems.
We are still convinced that, together with Cannizaro, we have taken a great step foreward in the past year."

Dirk Poelman
Executive Vice President Operations



"Now that the results of the Cannizaro programme can be seen and measured there are a number of points which stand out.

Firstly, your team have conducted themselves in a very professional manner. The interaction with our people has been good and changes have been implemented during a period of peak activity without disruption.

Secondly, the system improvements and training have corrected significant defects in a way which is both valuable and manageable.

Thirdly, the programme has been implemented according to plan with scheduled savings in terms of sales improvement and cost reduction being delivered on time. A return on investment in the region of 3:1 is being achieved."

Tom Colacino
Vice President
Sales & Services, NW Europe



 "As your consulting contract with us comes to a close, I would like to comment that you did an excellent job in surveying and identifying areas for improvement in our sales force. The Sales Management process that we now have addresses the shortcomings and will serve as our platform for the future development."

 W. L. Acton
Executive Director & General Manager
Canada Life Assurance (Ireland Ltd,.)



"Following the survey which you completed, forecasts of savings to be achieved were submitted, together with your own unambiguous commitment as to timescale and cost, and also a clear plan as to how the project would be pursued, with full involvement of the personnel involved, so that targets were seen as achievable.
Clearly now the project on completion will leave an organisation which is better placed to meet the highly competitive demands of retailing, with a significantly smaller personnel structure with a corresponding lower cost. All this in a business which was already proud of tight labour cost control.
Through the project customer service has been identified as a priority, and although staff are aware of the restructuring issues, our customers should not notice any drop in service standards, indeed standards of service will be greatly improved."

H. Garrett
Chief Executive Officer
Chelmsford Star Co-operative Society Ltd.



 "We can see that the Cannizaro/Exel project team have engineered a fundamental and likely irreversible change in the way that we operate our business. This has embraced the introduction of a comprehensive and universal Methodology for managing all operational elements of what is an extraordinarily divers business. More importantly, we have been able to change the way our managers view themselves, their responsibilities and their role in the business.
The scope of the programme has been extensive with thirty major sites taken for the first phase of implementation and, to date, some two hundred locations have been through the process and are working with the new management Methodology to reduce unit cost. At the moment we are able to evaluate significant productivity improvements (scoped at some £11 to £12 million on an annualised basis) with more to be achieved across all the sites.
The working relationship has been close and the results thoroughly professional, but I am pleased to say that we have been able to go a step beyond that. The Cannizaro and Exel staff working on the programme have forged an outstanding team spirit and the experience, whilst demanding, has been both beneficial and enjoyable for all those involved.
I look forward to the continuing relationship with Cannizaro during the Perpetuation Phase and with all other activities which we have under consideration."

Richard Hunt
Joint Managing Director
Exel Logistics


"Although you had successfully applied yourselves in the parent company’s logistic business in the U.K. I think we all sensed the French business would present a different set of challenges. This turned out to be the case.
Your comprehensive resource planning model has been rolled out and training delivered to twenty six sites. The implementation of the methodology has significantly changed the way our managers view their roles and particularly their responsibilities within the business. This change of behaviour is now taking root in the second phase and is already leading to important improvements in cost effectiveness.
As far a local management is concerned we now can see very firm evidence that Cannizaro’s training and development programmes are generating very positive results indeed."

Paddy O’Flynn
Joint Managing Director
Exel Logistics


"Me gustaría comunicarte en primer lugar, que el sistema desarrollado e implementado de control de operaciones de almacén ha demostrado ser muy efectivo para monitorizar y tomar acciones tendentes a incrementar la productividad en los centros. También ha demostrado una gran facilidad en su uso así como rápida aceptación por los gerentes y equipos de gestión. Los resultados en cuanto a eficiencia en la gestión y calidad de servicio han sido también muy significativos. Concretamente nos ha permitido analizar los costes directos e indirectos por unidad de medida así como su utilidad para planificar la carga de trabajo por centro y por cliente. Estamos convencidos de que el 20% de incremento de productividad conseguido durante la vida del proyecto se mantendrá en el futuro así como la consecución de los ahorros."

Gonzalo Sanz Fernández
Consejero Delegado
Exel Logistics, S.A.

"The first point I would like to emphasise is that the system tools developed and installed for controlling warehousing operations have proved to be very strong in their thoroughness and attention to detail. More significantly they have also been shown to be simple to use and have won widespread support amongst our first line managers. The additional control this has given us in terms of labour efficiencies and service delivery has been very significant. On a broader scale our ability now to analyse direct and indirect unit costs per contract will be valuable in planning our future activities.
Looking forward we are confident that ongoing productivity improvements of 20% will be maintained and that the projected annual savings will be realised."

Gonzalo Sanz Fernandez
Managing Director
Exel Logistics, S.A.


"Looking back on the programme, I recognise that, not only was it essential, but that it also exceeded my expectations in acting as the foundation for our continuing operations methodology. There is now substantial buy-in to this methodology which is delivering very good and ever-improving results across our entire operations.

At the start you of the programme you set extremely challenging savings goals. I believe that we are now well on the way to delivering against them and I am more than pleased with the results to date.

One other aspect of the programme which I would like to commend was the training and on-job support. These were shown to be highly professional and beneficial.
I would have no hesitation in using your services again, or indeed recommending them to other potential users."

Terry Stockley
Chief Executive Europe



The project focused on the introduction of the Exel Operations Management Methodology into our Dublin based contracts. This ensures Exel Walsh Western benefits from the same methodology developed and rolled out by Cannizaro in the UK, French and Spanish operations. I am pleased to say that the methodology has been successfully developed and installed. The benefits of this include the ability to
a) plan our resources effectively within the constraints of the budget,
b) target performance throughout the different areas of the operation and
c) communicate effectively and identify the impact of operational problems in terms of lost productivity and performance. This had resulted with significant savings being identified. Furthermore, our managers have changed the way they view their roles and particular responsibilities within the operations.

Frank McCarthy
Managing Director, Exel Walsh Western.



"At the conclusion of the outline study, the brief which Cannizaro commenced work upon was clear and specific with regard to objectives, activities, timescales and costs. I’m pleased to say that these criteria have been met in full and that the manner in which your people have worked has been a good mix of creativity, pragmatism and professionalism.

The system itself we see as a most valuable tool in enabling us to maximise the commercial potential of our Little Chef restaurants and ensuring that customer service and staff productivity are seen by our managers as complementary sides of one coin, not competing priorities. We are confident that the system enables us to invest labour hours in a disciplined, productive and measurable way to the benefit of our customers and our long term growth."

Peter D. Smith
Managing Director
Roadside Restaurants



"Nun sind wir am Ende der Phase 2 und ich freue mich, Ihnen meine Zufriedenheit mit der durchgeführten Arbeit ausdrücken zu können.
Das von Ihnen durchgeführte Training auf allen Ebenen des Führungsteams, die Umstukturierung des Unternehmens mit neu definierten Funktionen, Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten, die Entwicklung von wesentlichen Führungsinstrumenten, wie z.B. das Zielsetzungsprogramm sowie signifikante Verbesserungen in der Kommunikation und Kooperation, haben uns in eine stärkere Position für die Herausforderungen der nächsten Jahre versetzt.
Es ist Ihrem Team gelungen, die Mitarbeiter aller Bereiche und aller Ebenen für sich zu gewinnen und zu überzeugen und eine Vielzahl von Aktionen und Verbesserungen zu initiieren. Unsere Mitarbeiter handeln nun mit mehr Eigeninitiative und Entscheidungsbereitschaft."

H. Rothert
E. Mordhorst KG

"We have now reached the end of Phase 2 of the project and I am pleased to express my satisfaction with the work completed by you.
The training conducted at all levels of management, the re-structuring of the organisation including newly defined functions, roles and responsibilities, the development of essential management tools, i.e. the Goals Rolldown Programme as well as significant improvement in the communication and co-operation process, have left us in a much stronger position for the challenges of the future.
Your team has managed to win the hearts and minds of all departmental managers and staff and has initiated a large number of action plans and improvements. Our management teams now operate with a much larger degree of self initiative and decision making ability."

H. Rothert
Managing Director
E. Mordhorst KG



"Vuestro trabajo ha aportado la utilización de unos conceptos nuevos en la gestión diaria de recursos y actividades habiendo resultado en una optimización y por consiguiente en una mejora de productividad en nuestra area de explotación de un 15%.

Conseguir cambios en una organización es siempre dificil pero aun con estas dificultades y gracias a la buena cooperación establecida entre tu equipo y nosotros, hemos podido tratar cualquier problema surgido con mucha profesionalidad."

Juan Carlos Bacariza
Consejero Delegado
Jet Worldwide España, S.A.

"Cannizaro’s work has introduced the utilisation of new concepts in our daily operations and management of resources which have resulted in optimisation, and a consequent productivity improvement of 15% in our Operations Area."
"Change in an organisation is always something difficult to achieve but despite these difficulties and thanks to the good co-operation established between your team and us, we have been able to deal with any problems arising in a professional way."

Juan Carlos Bacariza
Managing Director
Jet Worldwide Espa–a, S.A.



" I would like to express my appreciation for the work carried out by the Cannizaro team in our production unit in Rosny-sur-Seine (Paris).
All levels within the local management were impressed by the simplicity and clarity with which both technical and human improvement potentials were identified and quantified.

Cannizaro is a first choice partner for anyone who wants to realise improvement potential within an organisation on a quick and efficient basis."

Rene Behiels
Johnson Controls Automotive



"Ahora que los resultados del programa implantado por Cannizaro son palpables y pueden ser evaluados, estoy encantado de poder decir que los criterios se han cumplido meticulosamente. Su equipo se ha comportado de un modo muy profesional y su interacción con nuestros empleados ha sido muy buena.
El programa se ha implementado de acuerdo con lo planeado en lo referente a los ahorros y mejoras en producción programadas consiguiendo una importante reducción de costes en el tiempo previsto."
Francesc Tous
Director General
Leaf Iberia 

"Now that the results of the Cannizaro programme can be seen and measured I am pleased to say that all the criteria have been met in full. Your team have conducted themselves in a very professional manner and the interaction with our people has been good.
The programme has been implemented according to plan with scheduled savings in terms of productivity improvements and cost reduction being delivered on time."

Francesc Tous
Leaf Iberia



 "Although the project changed direction somewhat to the original intention I am satisfied that you have provided a highly constructive combination of analytical skills, operational knowledge and practical common sense which has helped us to shape our operational activities in a much improved fashion and to help prepare ourselves for a more demanding future."

Charles Sproat
Managing Director
Leaf Ireland



"Since our initial project two years ago we have recruited a number of new managers and the work of your team has helped them, in particular, to understand the importance of sound productivity management. The additional level of control will enable us to realise further financial benefits whilst protecting our customer service levels and strengthening management decision making processes across all operations departments.

In short, I believe this whole project has been very successful."

Mike Crawshaw
Operations Director



"Against a very difficult brief, you established a team of international and Russian personnel who were able to quickly and efficiently integrate into the management team. Their impact on our operating systems and efficiency has been significant and we are now experiencing new levels of output, reduced unit costs and higher machine efficiency. Your involvement into our internal management systems and communication methods has greatly improved our cost base and efficiency of operations, with a clear change in culture and attitude of the work force.

I would be pleased to recommend Cannizaro to other operating companies whether in Russia or other countries and share with them our experience of operating with you."

Nick Ringer
Vice President and General Manager
RJR in Russia and Baltics



"Firstly, I have to say that I did not believe that following your time with us you would be able to demonstrate the full level of savings contained in your initial projections. As it turned out, you have been able to demonstrate potential savings some 10% higher.
As an added bonus the systems you have introduced are already leading to enhanced service levels and I have no doubt that these will continue to improve. The changes you have been responsible for in working practice and management behaviour are all the more credible when one takes into account the magnitude of cultural change involved for some of our people and the degree of resistance from the Union.

I am pleased that the decision we took in engaging Cannizaro has been vindicated and that we will be able to look back with pride at the results which we will have accomplished together."

Malcolm McCamley
Manager for Ireland



"The consulting undertaken by the team to improve Branch productivity and provide indicators was quite excellent. The effect of implementation in the Northern Region led to an increase in productivity demonstrated by completed job performance in excess of 30%. Transferred to an annualised saving this represented a R.O.I. of 4.36.

Thank you for your help."

Gary Parker
Business Process Manager



"El Estudio Resumen nos demuestra la necesidad de cambio dentro del negocio. Hasta la fecha esta necesidad en gran medida no fue muy apreciada dentro de nuestro negocio. Hoy en cambio esto ha dado un giro completo. La necesidad del cambio ha sido introducida en un ambicioso programa de aumento de productividad y la capacidad de realización se ha puesto en movimiento.
La Dirección controla las herramientas desarrolladas por Cannizaro durante el programa que ha tomado valor para capacitar cara a la Dirección un plan de recursos efectivo para identificar problemas de operación y llevar a cabo acciones correctivas.
El centro esta situado en el personal antes que en los aspectos técnicos de nuestro negocio ha agudizado la atención dada a la ejecución de individuos o equipos dentro de nuestra organización. Se han iniciado acciones para llevar a cabo en este momento o a largo plazo para influir en la eficacia, costos y anti competitividad.
Cannizaro ha advertido el efecto catalítico en el negocio con un muy positivo balance de benficio en los costos."

Peter Buckley
Director General
Paper Sack Division

"The Outline Study which you conducted demonstrated the need for change within the business. This need was not appreciated at a number of levels within our business at that time. As of today there has been a complete turnaround. The need for change has been embraced and an ambitious program of productivity improvement and capacity rationalisation has been put in motion.
The management tools developed by Cannizaro during the program have proved valuable in enabling front line management to plan resources effectively, to identify operating problems and to take corrective action.
The focus placed on human rather than the technical aspects of our business has sharpened the attention paid to the performance of individuals and teams within our organisation. Actions have been initiated which we are now carrying on which will have long term influence on efficiency, cost and competitiveness.
Cannizaro has had the advertised catalytic effect on the business with a very positive balance of benefit to cost."

Peter Buckley
Managing Director
Paper Sack Division



"The development of our operating theatres system has placed us in a position to maximise not only the theatre itself, but in many other service related areas of the hospital.

I do feel the work carried out to date in the theatre complex has brought managers from all areas in the hospital together and has aided in improving understanding and communication and co-operation between all concerned.

I am pleased we decided to employ your company and implement the proposed programme worked out with you and I am grateful for your assistance. I am particularly satisfied that your company has left us with a system which is ‘owned’ by the staff in the theatre area. I think the difference between your company and many management companies has been the fact that your staff have been with the hospital, not just in the planning but in the implementation and monitoring stage of the change management exercise. I cannot tell you what a difference it makes to get a company who advises you but also is there to implement and monitor the changes."

Nicholas C. Jermyn
Chief Executive Officer



"The great thing has been the extent to which we have been able to implement and carry forward the process based on our own knowledge and understanding of the methodology. This, to my mind, differentiates the approach of Cannizaro from that of others we have experienced or considered. The transfer of knowledge was not only great but it occurred during, rather than after the period your personnel were on our premises. The manuals and processes are very much the product of our own efforts as facilitated by the Cannizaro team and have, therefore, a greater pertinence and long term relevance to our Company.

I am confident that we will continue to improve our performance as a result of what we have achieved so far and as we refine and improve our use of the planning and forecasting tool that we have produced together."

Jeffrey R. Gould
Managing Director
The Consortium for Purchasing and Distribution