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King's Lynn"I would like to congratulate you and the Cannizaro team for the excellent results delivered during the recently completed Establishment Review. The programme took just eight months to complete and has delivered a measurable and sustainable 7.5% reduction in costs across all of the Council’s operations. This equated to £1m in annual cashable savings with further non-cashable improvements underway. This was achieved without adversely affecting the quality and delivery of service.

Members and staff were impressed by Cannizaro’s open and collaborative approach. The project team, including four members of our own staff, took into account a wide range if points of view. Allied with Cannizaro’s knowledge and experience, this enabled the development of a workable and agreed set of action plans.

Covering structural, organisational and process elements, the manner in which these plans were delivered was also impressive. The combined team of Cannizaro and KLWN staff relayed clear objectives and plans to staff, members and union representatives which gained support, involvement and commitment at all levels. The training of 120 managers and supervisors has ensured that we have retained and are using the knowledge, skills and experience gained.

Although the programme savings were realised through a net reduction in establishment posts, it should be emphasised that in reorganising the Council’s resources new posts were created and many posts were changed. The total net reduction was achieved without compulsory redundancies and strongly featured the retraining and redeployment of staff to priority areas. We now have a greater proportion of our staff directly delivering services than before. We have also been able to staff positions required by new legislation without increasing overall costs.

The whole process has left us in a strong position to plan for the future and to continue to deliver high quality, cost effective services whilst sticking to our commitment to keeping council tax increases to at or below the rate of inflation.
I would not hesitate to recommend Cannizaro’s services to other organisations in either the public or private sectors and wish you and the team all the best for the future."

Cllr. John Dobson
Leader of the Council

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