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Case Study – Borough Council of Lynn & West Norfolk

King's LynnBorough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk achieves £1m efficiency savings – ahead of Gershon

The Task

With the Gershon Review requiring public sector organisations to achieve 2½% efficiency savings, year on year for the next three years, efficiency has become the focus for many council leaders and chief executives.

The Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk has tackled this head on and has already achieved cash savings of £1m by undertaking an efficiency review of the whole organisation.

This work was driven by the identification of a potential budget deficit of £1m for the 2004/5 financial year that was set to rise to £2m for the 2006/7 financial year if action wasn’t taken.

Council Leader, Cllr. John Dobson, spearheading the review, said “we are committed to keeping council tax increases to at, or below, the level of inflation, without reducing the quality of our services. We knew we had to control these rising costs to continue to achieve that aim.

Our first step was to appoint consultants to carry out a feasibility study to identify whether sufficient savings could be made, and if so how and where.”

The report resulting from this study highlighted three main areas for potential savings: procurement, commercialisation and productivity. The procurement work is being carried out by an ‘in-house’ team whilst, consultants were appointed to carry out the commercialisation and productivity work.


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