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norfolk county councilI would very much like to thank you and the Cannizaro team for the excellent work carried out in transforming structure, processes and practices within Norfolk County Council’s Adult Education Service.

Following continued reductions in funding, the department had been facing a severe budget deficit which urgently needed to be addressed in order to successfully continue its service to Norfolk’s communities and to be able meet the shift towards vocational skills teaching required by the Learning and Skills Council.

Cannizaro’s first stage root and branch review of the department quickly identified the opportunities available not just to reduce overheads and operating costs but to restructure our whole way of working, bringing greater efficiency throughout the department and much improved management visibility and control together with a shift of resources from back office to front line customer service.

Clear plans to achieve the identified improvements were developed and agreed together with departmental staff and then implemented by a joint Norfolk County Council and Cannizaro team. We were extremely pleased with Cannizaro’s empathetic approach in what were difficult circumstances and very impressed with the extraordinary results achieved – a cost reduction of 12.5 % together with many innovations and improvements, such as the move to call centre based course bookings, in the way that the service is delivered.

The programme was completed in just six months, has delivered an ROI of 3:1 and we have seen that the improvements are not only being sustained but indeed are being developed further by our own staff utilising skills and experience gained during the project.

I would highly recommend your straightforward but sensitive approach to others within the public sector, especially in circumstances where councils might find themselves balancing service delivery against budgetary constraints.

I wish you all well and hope to be working with you again in the future.

Yours sincerely

Paul Carter
Head of Efficiency

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