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Case Study – Borough Council of Lynn & West Norfolk

King's LynnBorough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk achieves £1m efficiency savings – ahead of Gershon

Management Restructure

The objective was to streamline the Council’s management structure to ensure that it is ‘fit for purpose’ once the transfer of the housing stock to a registered social land lord is complete and to achieve savings to contribute to the Council’s overall targets.

The process began with an ‘Away Day’, involving all of the existing Directors and Heads of Service, to agree the underlying principals upon which the restructure would be based. These principals were subsequently discussed with councillors and agreed by the Council’s Cabinet.

Working with consultants, Cannizaro, an options appraisal of a range of models for the corporate management structure of the organisation was undertaken. Each option was discussed individually and collectively with all of the Directors and Heads of Service prior to a final decision being made by Cabinet on the preferred model, which sought to both de-layer and streamline the structure.

The new model removes the ‘Director’ layer entirely from the structure and provides for a reduction in the number of Heads of Service from 11 to 7 through the reconfiguration and merger of the Service areas.

The new structure will therefore be:-

Chief Executive

– Deputy Chief Exec/ Head of Service

– Heads of Service (x6)

The ‘new’ Service Areas are:-
Development Services
Central Services
Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services
Environmental Health and Housing
Leisure and Public Space

One of the Service Heads will also be designated as Deputy Chief Executive.
This new structure provides clear lines of accountability and a better alignment with the political executive.


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